Volunteer Opportunities

PURPOSE:  To allow all volunteers to do what they do best.




 We welcome all volunteers to participate in what you do best.  You know your talents and interests, so feel free to sign up for any areas you feel comfortable with such as:

    Data entry; spreadsheet development.

    Publication development.

     Fund Raising.

     Contact development.

     Presentation / Teaching opportunities/ Public Outreach/ Education

     Event participation, manning booths, leading tours, etc.

     Board member

     ****Anything else you can imagine.


If you are interested please send an email to info@wcaudubon.org

For other information about the Rocky River Important Bird Area, click here.



Be the WCAS point of contact on environmental issues that are before the state and federal legislatures.  Call Tom Romito at (216) 741-2352.

Serve on the refreshment committee for monthly meetings of WCAS.  Call Nancy Howell at (440) 891-1710.


Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society, 4310 Bush Ave, Cleveland, OH 44109 info@wcasohio.org